Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stop "Secret Eating" Now!

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by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

We’ve all done this from time to time. This “secret eating” is done from guilt, and a sense that we “shouldn’t be eating”. And why? We feel judged by others, believing that if we eat in private, than “no one will know.” It’s not at all connected to physical hunger.

Secret eating is a major reason for diet self-sabotage. But I’ve found some strategies that really work to help combat secret eating, and break through that barrier to success. See if these help you!

  • Give yourself permission to eat – then it’s not “secret” anymore! Spoiler alert: you’ve got to pre-plan your eating to stay in control.
  • Keep a food log to see when you’re most likely to secret eat, and what you typically choose. Be specific - not just "sweets", but is it a chocolate bar? cookies? This helps personal accountability.
  • Make a list of your favorite "secret foods". Think about some lower calorie alternatives that will satisfy, but not trigger, overeating.
  • Learn to manage stress without food. This is tough, and takes a lot of thought and experimentation. Strategies range from keeping your hands busy (clean out a drawer, learn to knit) to keeping your mouth busy with non-food activities (chewing sugarless gum, drinking herbal tea, or water).

"Secret eating" is a common symptom of weight loss struggles that can be managed and resolved, once it is recognized.

What are some of your own strategies? I’d love to hear them!

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