Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creating Healthy Habits

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by Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

When you hear the term “healthy habit” what do you think? Many people embrace this concept - at least the “healthy” part. When it comes to the “habit” that’s a lot tougher. Most people think that making the decision to be healthy is the tough decision. That’s just the beginning. The challenge is deciding what behavior to change – and make it a habit.

But how do you create a new habit? Is it the mantra of the Nike commercials – “Just do it”? Change of any kind is difficult. Studies show that it takes about 3 weeks of daily repetition to form a new habit.

This means daily action, not just thinking about the behavior.

Forming a habit gets a lot easier after the first few days, the time of greatest challenge to sticking with a new behavior. Whether it’s a 30-minute walk, eating breakfast, or flossing your teeth, it’s all about individual small habits that lead to long-term success.

Think small, and success will follow. Instead of saying “I’m cutting out soda and only drinking water,” try “I’m cutting out soda, and will choose water and other low-calorie drinks like herbal tea, and low-calorie sweetened sodas and drinks.” Rather than aim for a one hour walk every day, try a 30-minute walk, 3-4 times a week as a minimum, and do more often when you can.

It’s all about what you are both “willing” and “able” to do. Set a realistic goal, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it for 3 weeks or so, and form that new healthy habit.

How have you formed some healthy habits? Please share your thoughts!

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