By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom
A day at the ballpark puts a smile on the face of most everyone I know. As you make your way to your seat, you’ll see all kinds of tempting foods. And even if you keep walking straight to your seat, you’ll constantly be reminded throughout the game by the vendors who pass through the aisles!
Here are some of my best tips to keep in mind. Following them will allow you to enjoy both the ballgame AND indulge in some fun ballpark foods. One big hint—when it comes to ballpark foods, sharing is a good word to keep in mind!

Debating between the peanuts and Cracker Jack? For the same 6 ounces of each – the Cracker Jack has only 600 calories, while the nuts weigh in with a whopping 1,000 calories and 100 grams of fat (equivalent to eating three cups of cheese!).
While the foot long hotdogs look tempting, covered with chili and cheese, you’d need to walk 9 miles to walk that off – about 900 calories. Stick with a regular size dog and cut those calories in half!
Looking for a “cheesy” option? Stick with a plain personal pan pizza, at 500 calories, and skip the nachos that’ll set you back close to twice that!
How about some beer? Most 12 ounce regular beers have 150 calories. If you choose a typical light beer, you’ll save 50 calories.
Making a non-alcoholic choice? If you’re not picking water or a diet soda – stick with a 16-ounce (medium) regular soda at around 200 calories, instead of a smoothie of the same size with about 450 calories.
Any other ballpark foods you’d like to hear about? Let me know!
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