By Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom

Nutrient recommendations have been updated, and new fresh and prepared foods continue to surface on supermarket shelves. Now is the time to add some new foods to your eating repertoire, to both revitalize your taste buds and expand your eating horizons.
Often this means going outside your comfort zone, whether it’s a matter of texture, taste, or just the thought that “It doesn’t sound good to me.” It means adopting the mindset of being an adventurous eater and willing to at least try new foods.
An easy start is replacing an animal protein with a plant version. Try a black-bean or soy burger – both can be found ready-to-cook in the freezer section. Topped with lettuce and tomato and your favorite condiments, this alternate “burger” is a winner. Or try some “soy crumbles” (bagged, also in the freezer aisle), which have the look and texture of beef, in a marinara sauce topping your favorite pasta. You might try a whole wheat version of pasta instead of rice.
A crock pot can help make this an easy task. Mix and match your favorite lean protein, fresh or frozen vegetables, and tomato sauces/broths for endless variations. Check out recipes online or in one of the small paperback recipe books found at the supermarket checkout. It’s a great way to add some new ingredients to your old favorites.
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